Last Updated on September 27, 2022 by admin

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is an industry term that describes smart water meters and the network that transmits their data. These systems often allow two-way communication between the meter and the utility, providing many benefits for both the customer and the utility. AMI will enable utilities to more accurately measure water usage, detect leaks, manage energy costs, and improve customer service. Customers can also take advantage of usage alerts and reports that help them understand their water use and identify potential savings opportunities. In addition to these benefits, AMI can also play a role in helping water utilities meet compliance obligations related to their water system operating permit. In this post, we’ll provide an overview of AMI, explain the benefits and potential challenges of AMI, and give a brief description of AMI system specifics.

Table of Contents

Advanced Metering Infrastructure for Water Systems

Many utilities can leverage AMI, including electric, gas, and water systems. This post will focus on Advanced Metering Infrastructure for Water Systems. Water meters are often manually read to generate customer bills, as with other utilities. Advanced metering infrastructure can automate the meter reading process and provide near real-time data on water usage. AMI can be especially beneficial for water utilities as they can more accurately detect leaks, understand customer behavior, and manage energy costs associated with pumping water.

What is Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)?

Advanced metering infrastructure, or AMI, is a system of water meters, remote data collection devices, and communication infrastructure that allows utilities to automatically and remotely collect customer consumption data. AMI systems can provide near real-time data on water usage, allow for two-way communications between the customer and the utility, and enable time-of-use billing.

AMI systems can detect and diagnose leaks, schedule conservation programs, and improve customer service. AMI data can also be used to support water resource planning and demand management efforts.

The benefits of AMI systems are well documented, but several challenges are associated with their implementation. AMI systems are capital intensive, and their success depends on the cooperation of customers and utility staff. Advanced metering infrastructure best practices for water utilities can help ensure a successful implementation.

How does AMI work?

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is a system that uses meter endpoints to collect data and send it to a data collector. The data collector then sends the data to the AMI head end, which uses a backhaul network to transmit data to a central location. The meter endpoints can be connected to the data collector using a cellular or fixed network.

AMI systems typically consist of five main components:

  1. Water meters
  2. An integrated communications module (endpoint)
  3. A network of data collection devices that communicate with the meters (this is applicable for fixed networks, not on cellular AMI solutions)
  4. A backhaul that connects the data collection devices to a central system
  5. The AMI head end (central system)

These are the main components of an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system that utilities use to collect meter data more efficiently and accurately than ever before. They work together to elaborate an AMI network that benefits both the utility and the customers. Meters are equipped with endpoints that communicate meter data to data collectors or cell towers. Data collectors or cell towers then relay the data to the AMI head end via the network backhaul, which is the central processing unit for the system. The AMI head end is tied to the utility’s customer information system.

AMI Water Meters

Water meters come in two main varieties: mechanical and static. The primary difference between the two types of meters is that mechanical meters have moving parts to determine the volume of water passing through the meter. In contrast, static meters have no moving parts to determine the flow rate. Instead, they use instrumentation. For example, many AMI meters use an ultrasonic sensor. Static meters can provide accuracy that doesn’t degrade over time, which is a significant advantage over mechanical meters. They can also capture more extensive flow ranges, including low flow conditions. However, they are also more expensive.

Both meters work with an AMI system as long as they have an electronic register. In essence, there is no “AMI smart meter.” AMI meters can be any meter that has an electronic register. While mechanical water meters will likely need to have their registers retrofitted, static meters, such as an ultrasonic water meters, usually already come with an electronic register installed.

AMI Water Meters
An Example of an Older Mechanical Water Meter That Would Require a Register Retrofit

The register is what records the water consumption data, and it is this data that is transmitted to the AMI endpoint. Most registers have an ASCII encoded output, meaning that a computer can read them. Some registers also have an output that can be read by a meter reading device, such as an optical reader or a hand-held radiofrequency device.

ASCII, or American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is the most common encoding scheme for transferring text data between computers. It is a 7-bit encoding scheme, meaning it uses 7 bits to represent each character. This allows for 128 different characters, which is more than enough to represent all of the characters in the English alphabet.

ASCII encoding is the standard way of transferring data between a computer and a meter reading device. When the meter reading device reads the register on the water meter, it will output the data in ASCII format. The ASCII format, in turn, allows the data to be easily transferred to a computer for further processing.

Older meters have an analog output, which is typical of manual-read applications. However, analog registers can utilize a pulse output technology, which can be used with a touchless read system and some AMI systems. In these cases, the data is collected by an AMI data collector that is connected to the meter via an analog cable. The data is then converted to digital and transmitted to the head end.

However, this is uncommon for AMI and has limited use cases since the utility would typically be better off swapping the meter or retrofitting the register. Meters without an electronic register are typically retrofit to communicate to the AMI endpoint; this is usually done as part of the deployment of the AMI system. Some advanced meters also come with an integrated communications module, eliminating the need for a separate endpoint.

AMI Endpoints

The endpoint, sometimes called RF modules for fixed networks, is a small, battery-powered device that attaches to the water meter. It communicates with the cellular network or the data collector using a wireless signal.

The meter endpoint transmits water usage data using either frequency-shift keying (FSK) or phase-shift keying (PSK). This process is known as FSK modulation. FSK modulation is a simple form of modulation that uses two frequencies, one for transmission and one for reception. PSK modulation is more complex than FSK modulation, but it provides greater noise immunity and higher data rates.

The endpoint encrypts the water usage data before it is transmitted to ensure privacy and security. The encryption algorithm is based on a key that is shared between the endpoint and the data collector.

The endpoint has two operating modes: awake mode and sleep mode. In awake mode, the endpoint “wakes up” from sleep mode to transmit water usage data to the data collector. In sleep mode, the RF module preserves power to ensure the endpoint’s battery life performs as warranted.

AMI Data Collectors

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems that use fixed networks to relay data from water meter endpoints to a central system require data collectors. These networks differ from cellular networks because they require the utility to stand up data collectors throughout their service area. Cellular networks also have data collectors, in a sense. The cell towers are essentially the cellular AMI’s data collectors, but these are already standing throughout most service areas.

Data collectors are devices that collect meter data from water meters and relay it to a central system. Data collectors receive and transmit radio signals from water meter endpoints using an antenna. Data collectors are typically powered by the electric grid but also have backup batteries in case of power outages.

The RF signal from data collectors operated in various frequencies. This largely depends on the AMI vendor. Some of the most common frequencies are 433 MHz and frequencies between 450 MHz -470MHz or 902-928 MHz.

The main difference between the 400’s spectrum and the 900’s is that the 400’s are licensed while the 900’s are unlicensed. The trade-off with using the unlicensed spectrum is that there may be interference from other devices operating in the same frequency range. This interference can cause data loss or errors. The 900’s is sometimes considered less prone to interference because it is a licensed spectrum. This means that utilities can apply for and be granted a specific frequency to use for their AMI system. Nonetheless, AMI has successfully been deployed in a wide range of spectrums.

Data collectors typically have one antenna port, but some may have two. Data collectors with two antenna ports can be configured for diversity reception. Diversity reception is a process where the data collector uses two antennas to receive RF signals. This provides greater signal strength and reliability because the data collector can choose the antenna with the strongest signal.

Data collectors are typically mounted on streetlights, traffic signal poles, pump station sites, buildings, or other tall structures. Preference is given to sites the utility owns, so the provider would not need to worry about leasing agreements. They may be placed in line of sight of as many water meter endpoints as possible to ensure reliable signal strength.

AMI Backhaul

The communications infrastructure for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems can be a fixed network, cellular, or a hybrid of both. A fixed network uses data collectors to relay information from water meter endpoints to the central system. The cellular network then uses cell towers to relay information from water meter endpoints to the central system. A hybrid network uses both data collectors and cell towers to relay information from water meter endpoints to the central system. Typically, a hybrid network is used when there is not adequate coverage for a pure cellular or fixed network.

Since stand-up data collectors can be an expensive solution to collect a small-meter population, hybrid networks can provide a cost-effective compromise. Oftentimes, fixed networks might use a cellular hybrid to reach the extremities of a service area that their stand-up data collectors do not capture.

The backhaul is the infrastructure that connects the data collectors or cell towers to the utility’s central system. The backhaul can be wired (Ethernet, T1, fiber, etc.), wireless (licensed microwave, unlicensed WiFi, satellite), or a combination of both. However, there are many nuances to an AMI backhaul. For example, the vast majority of fixed networks will rely at least partially, if not substantially, on a cellular backhaul. This is because fiber is not yet available in most areas, and ethernet may not be an option depending on the site of the data collector. When it comes to wireless backhaul, the only solution deployed at scale is cellular.

Backhaul design is highly dependent on the data collectors’ siting, which is defined by the RF signal’s propagation characteristics. The type of terrain (flat, hilly, urban, rural) will also have an impact on backhaul design. In order to define these characteristics, the AMI provider will need to conduct a propagation study.

Cellular AMI solutions connect to the cell tower via an RF signal from the cellular endpoint. The usage data is then transmitted via a machine-to-machine network from the cell tower to a central switching station that utilizes Multi-Label Protocol Switching (MLPS) to connect the data from the transmitting device to the receiving device, or in this case, the receiving server. The backhaul for this transmission is typically fiber optic cable. The data is transmitted to the AMI head end from the central switching station.

Multi-Label Protocol Switching (MPLS)

This part is a bit more knowledge than is required by the typical AMI owner, but for the sake of completeness, we’ll dive into this briefly. MLPS is a process that allows data to be labeled with multiple labels or categories. MLPS allows for more accurate and efficient delivery of data. With MLPS, a single piece of data can be routed through the network based on all of its associated labels. This eliminates the need to send the data multiple times through the network, which can save time and bandwidth.

MLPS works by adding an extra header to each packet of data. This header contains all of the labels associated with the data. When a router receives a packet, it examines the header and determines which label applies to that packet. The router then routes the packet to the appropriate destination based on that label.

There are many applications for MLPS, but one of the most common is content delivery networks (CDN). A CDN uses a global network of servers to deliver content from a centralized location to end users. This content can include anything from web pages to video files or in the case of AMI – meter data files.

MLPS is also used in Dynamic Multiprotocol Label Switching (D-MPLS). D-MPLS is a mechanism that allows service providers to offer new services and applications quickly and easily. With D-MPLS, service providers can create custom service profiles for each customer. These profiles can include any combination of services, such as IPTV, VoIP, and VPNs. Some AMI systems are now offering the AMI head end over VPN.

Central System (AMI Head End)

The AMI Central System often called the head end, is akin to the Human Machine Interface (HMI) found in SCADA systems. It contains a meter data management system (MDM or MDMS) to manage the meter endpoints and the data collectors. It also contains a customer database. The MDMS includes a user interface that allows users to view data, create reports, and edit settings. While the Customer Database has an interface that is optimized for customer service. This interface will provide the customer with usage patterns, water conservation recommendations, notification of potential leaks, and billing information.

When AMI first started, the head end for an AMI system was often housed in self-hosted servers. However, now at days, the AMI head end is typically hosted as Software as a Service (Saas). This allows for a lower upfront cost, as the provider takes on the hosting fees. It also means that the provider is responsible for keeping the system up to date with security patches and new features.

AMI Network Infrastructure

As mentioned above, AMI Networks consist of endpoints, data collectors, and a backhaul which are used to collect meter data and relay it to a central system. The design of the network and the way the network is maintained is yet another differentiator between the commercially available AMI systems.

There are two main types of AMI network designs: mesh and point-to-multipoint. A mesh network has multiple data collectors that are interconnected with each other and with the endpoints. On the other hand, a point to multipoint network has a single data collector that serves as the hub for all of the endpoints.

The choice of point to multipoint or mesh will be dictated by several factors, such as the number of endpoints, the geographical area covered, the terrain, and the desired redundancy. A mesh network will often be more complex than a point to multipoint network, but it will provide more flexibility and redundancy.

Another key consideration for the AMI network is how the data collectors are powered. There are three main options for powering data collectors: battery, solar, and wired. Each of these options have their own pros and cons.

Batteries are the most common method of powering data collectors. They are versatile, meet most environments’ needs, and are easy to install. However, batteries need to be regularly replaced, and extreme weather conditions can damage them.

Solar power is a good option for data collectors that are located in remote areas where it is not feasible to run power lines. Solar power can also be used as a backup power source for data collectors that are powered by batteries or wired power. The main drawbacks of solar power are the initial cost and the need for regular maintenance.

Wired power is the most reliable option for powering data collectors. However, it is also the most expensive and difficult to install. Wired power is typically used for data collectors that are located in areas with reliable power.

Mesh Network Data Collectors

Mesh network data collectors consist of several interconnected nodes that can relay meter data between each other. Essentially, the meter data is daisy chaining off of other meter endpoints until it reaches the data collector. This allows for the collection of meter data from a large area with a relatively small number of data collectors. Mesh network data collectors are typically used in large-scale deployments where there is a need for high capacity and reliability. However, a significant drawback of mesh networks is that the relaying of meter data requires a significant amount of power. While this is often a non-issue for electric AMI systems, water AMI systems rely on battery-powered endpoints. This can create an obstacle for mesh network deployments in water utilities.

Point-to-Multipoint Data Collectors

Point-to-multipoint data collectors consist of one or more collector nodes and one or more endpoint nodes. The collector node collects meter data from the endpoint nodes and relays it to a central system. The main advantage of point-to-multipoint data collectors is that they are much more power efficient than mesh network data collectors. This is because the meter data only needs to be relayed to one collector node instead of multiple nodes. As a result, point-to-multipoint data collectors are sometimes preferred for water utilities that are looking to deploy AMI fixed network systems.

Cellular vs. Fixed Network

There are two types of networks that can be used for backhaul in an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system: cellular networks and fixed networks. Cellular networks have traditionally been used for small-scale deployments or for areas where a fixed network is not economically or physically feasible. In contrast, fixed networks have been used in many large-scale deployments and sometimes use cellular endpoints to collect data from the far extents of a utility’s service area. However, the market landscape is shifting.

In recent years, cellular networks have become cost competitive with fixed networks for large-scale deployments. They have also become more reliable and offer higher data throughput than they did in the past. As a result, many utilities are now choosing to deploy cellular networks for their AMI systems.

Several factors should be considered when deciding whether to deploy a cellular or fixed network for an AMI system.

One key advantage of using a cellular network for backhaul is that it does not require the installation of new infrastructure. Cellular networks are already in place and are used by millions of people every day. This means that there is no need to install new cables or equipment, which can save time and money. Perhaps more importantly, there is no need to maintain above-ground infrastructure, which can be quite cumbersome for a water utility that is focused on underground infrastructure.

Another advantage is the speed at which a cellular network can be deployed. A fixed network can take months or even years to install, whereas a cellular network can often be up and running in a matter of weeks. This is because there is no need to obtain permission from landowners or local authorities to install new infrastructure.

A third advantage of using a cellular network is that it offers greater flexibility than a fixed network. If a utility needs to expand its AMI system, it can simply add more cellular endpoints. In contrast, expanding a fixed network may require the installation of new infrastructure, which can be costly and time-consuming.

The fourth advantage of cellular networks is that they are not as susceptible to weather-related outages as fixed networks. This is because cellular networks use tried and proven towers and have no new small towers deployed. These major cell towers can withstand extreme weather easier than smaller, recently erected towers. Moreover, cell towers are required to be maintained to provide bandwidth to first responders. Thus, it is likely that after a major extreme weather event, the cell tower will be up and running within days.

Yet another advantage of using a cellular network is that it can be used for small-scale deployments. A small number of data collectors can be deployed in an area without the need for a large infrastructure project. This makes cellular networks a good choice for pilot projects or for testing new Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems.

Cellular networks also have some disadvantages that should be considered. One is that the cost of data can be higher than for a fixed network. This is because cellular networks typically charge by connection. Thus many endpoints can become expensive.

Another disadvantage is that, in a catastrophic event, cellular networks can be more vulnerable to outages than fixed networks. This is because cellular networks rely on a limited number of towers to provide coverage. If one of these towers goes down, then a large area can be left without coverage.

There are also several key advantages that fixed networks have over cellular networks, particularly when it comes to AMI. First, response time after an outage can be quicker depending on the reason for the outage. This largely depends on the service level agreement you have with the network provider and their ability to respond (i.e., magnitude of the event, resources, etc.)

Second, fixed networks are private networks. Although they may use the public spectrum, the actual stand-up data collector network is usually a private solution for the water utility. This can provide greater flexibility and customized level of service agreements.

Lastly, fixed networks can be more cost-effective than cellular networks. This depends on a variety of factors, such as the number of connections and the number of data collectors that have to be replaced over the life of a network.

When deciding whether to use a cellular or fixed network for an AMI system, utilities should consider the advantages and disadvantages of both options. The decision will ultimately come down to a utility’s specific needs and requirements.

AMI Network as a Service (NaaS)

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Network as a Service (NaaS) is a type of service that provides a communication network for an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system. The service provider owns and operates the network infrastructure, which means that the water utility does not need to invest in new equipment or hire additional staff. This is important because a water utility is typically not capable of operating a communication network at the same level as a service provider.

Naas allows water utilities to focus on their core business of providing water while the service provider focuses on operating the network. NaaS can be used for any type of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system, whether it is a fixed network or cellular.

NaaS can also be used to deploy a new Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system. The service provider can quickly and easily provision the necessary capacity for a new system. This is especially helpful for pilot projects or for testing new AMI systems. NaaS providers typically offer various service levels, allowing water utilities to choose the level of service that best meets their needs.

Benefits of NaaS

Water utility companies are increasingly turning to NaaS providers for their Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) needs. This is because NaaS provides several advantages over traditional AMI systems, such as lower capital costs, lower operational costs, and the ability to scale the system as needed.

One of the biggest advantages of NaaS is that it can help water utilities save money on their Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) projects. NaaS providers typically charge a monthly fee, which is often lower than the cost of building and maintaining an AMI system. In addition, NaaS providers often offer discounts for long-term contracts.

Another advantage of NaaS is that it can help water utilities save time and resources. Water utilities that use NaaS do not need to invest in new equipment or hire additional staff. This can help reduce the time and cost of an AMI project.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems can be complex and expensive projects. Water utilities that are considering an AMI project should consider using NaaS to help save time and money.

AMI Integration

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) integration is the process of connecting different components of an AMI system so that they can communicate with each other. AMI integration can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it is necessary to ensure that the different components of an AMI system work together seamlessly.

One of the most important aspects of AMI integration is data interoperability, which refers to the ability of different AMI system components to exchange data. Data interoperability is essential for an AMI system to function properly. Without data interoperability, the different components of an AMI system would not be able to communicate with each other, and the system would not be able to function.

Another important aspect of AMI integration is system security. AMI systems handle sensitive data, such as customer data and billing information. It is important to ensure that this data is secure and that only authorized users have access to it. System security can be achieved through several methods, such as encryption, user authentication, and access control.

AMI System Security

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems are playing an increasingly important role for today’s water consumers. AMI systems help utilities to more effectively manage their distribution systems, and they also provide customers with greater transparency into their water consumption.

However, AMI systems also introduce a new set of cyber security risks. Because AMI systems are interconnected, a breach of one system could potentially jeopardize the security of other systems. This is why it is essential to ensure that an AMI system is secure from a cyber security perspective.

One way to do this is to implement strong authentication and authorization controls. This will help to ensure that only authorized users can access AMI data and that they can only view the data that they are authorized to see. Additionally, it is important to encrypt all AMI data, both in transit and at rest. This will help to protect AMI data from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. By taking these steps, utilities can help to ensure that their AMI systems are secure from a cyber security perspective.

AMI System Security

Data Encryption

The meter endpoints use meter radio frequency (RF) modules to communicate with the data collector. The meter RF module transmits data using either frequency-shift keying (FSK) or phase-shift keying (PSK). The meter endpoints use a security algorithm to encrypt the data before it is transmitted. The AMI head end system can access the encrypted data and uses a management system to manage the meter endpoints and the data collectors.


The Service Organization Control (SOC) II Type II is a certification that shows that a service provider has met certain security and privacy standards. SOC II Type II certification is important for water utilities because it shows that the service provider has implemented controls to protect customer data.

Water utilities that use NaaS can be sure that their data is protected by the service provider’s SOC II Type II certification. This certification shows that the service provider has implemented controls to protect customer data, such as encryption, firewalls, and access control.

ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an international standard that provides requirements for an information security management system (ISMS). Organizations that implement an ISMS based on ISO 27001 can be certified by an accredited certification body.

ISO 27001 was first published in October 2005 and is the most widely used information security standard in the world. It is currently in its second edition, which was published in September 2013.

The standard is designed to help organizations:

  • Keep information assets secure
  • Prevent and respond to security incidents
  • Continuously improve their security posture

ISO 27001 is based on the ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards, which includes several other standards on topics such as risk management, privacy, and asset management.

Organizations that implement an ISMS based on ISO 27001 can be certified by an accredited certification body. Certification provides third-party assurance that an organization’s ISMS meets the requirements of ISO 27001.

What are the benefits of AMI for water utilities?

AMI systems offer a number of advantages over traditional manual meter reading systems, including:

  1. Increased accuracy and efficiency: AMI systems can automatically and remotely collect consumption data from water meters. This eliminates the need for manually reading each meter, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.
  2. Improved customer service: AMI data can be used to detect and diagnose leaks, schedule conservation programs, and support other customer service efforts.
  3. Enhanced water resource planning: AMI data can be used to support water resource planning and demand management efforts.
  4. Reduced operational costs: AMI can help reduce operational costs for utilities by automating the meter reading process and eliminating the need for manual readings. Additionally, AMI systems can provide data that can be used to improve operational efficiency and prevent service disruptions.
  5. Improved water conservation: Informed by accurate and timely data on water usage, both utilities and customers can make decisions that help conserve this valuable resource.
  6. Reduced non-revenue water: Non-revenue water (NRW) is water that is produced but not sold due to leaks, metering inaccuracies, or water theft. AMI can help reduce NRW by providing utilities with accurate and timely data on water usage, allowing them to identify and address leaks and other sources of loss quickly.

What are the benefits of AMI for customers?

The benefits of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for water customers are numerous. AMI provides customers with near real-time data on their water consumption, which can be used to make informed decisions about their usage. Additionally, AMI can help utilities to identify and address leaks quickly before they cause extensive damage. AMI also provides customers with the ability to monitor their water usage remotely via a mobile app or web portal. This feature can be particularly useful for customers who are away from home for extended periods of time.

Customer benefits of AMI include:

  • Private side leak detection is when the utility is notified of a high water usage event without the customer having to call in to report it. This can help save customers money on their water bills.
  • Low flow notification – which is when the customer is notified of a low flow event, such as a leaking toilet so that they can take action to fix it. This can also help save customers money on their water bills.
  • Enhanced customer service – With AMI, utilities can provide more accurate bills, and customers can have more control over their water usage. In addition, AMI can help utilities detect and repair leaks faster, saving water and reducing water bills for everyone.
  • Consumption data – AMI provides customers with data on their water usage to make informed decisions about their consumption. This data can also be used to support water conservation efforts.
  • Remote access to their water usage account – Customers can use a mobile app or web portal to monitor their water usage remotely. This feature can be particularly useful for customers away from home for extended periods.

How will AMI help utilities manage their distribution networks more efficiently?

Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is a system that allows utilities to collect data from customers’ meters automatically. This data can then be used to improve the efficiency of the distribution network.

Some key benefits for utilities include;

  • Optimized workforce – manual meter reads can be replaced with automatic reads that are transmitted remotely. This allows for more accurate billing and helps to reduce the risk of human error. Additionally, it allows the utility to repurpose labor for more strategic tasks.
  • Leak detection – AMI can help utilities quickly identify and address leaks. This can drastically reduce non-revenue water.
  • Reduced truck rolls – AMI can be used to turn on and shut off customers’ water remotely. This can also provide workforce efficiencies by repurposing labor and can eliminate the cost of rolling a truck to a customer’s location. One key thing to remember here is that many utilities will continue to roll a truck for a meter turn-on. This ensures they don’t flood a property by physically confirming the customer’s presence on the property. While automatic on/off valves can be convenient, they can also be expensive and can be cost-prohibitive if the only reduction in truck rolls is to turn off service.
  • Identification of high or low water usage – utilities can detect consumption patterns and plan resources accordingly, not only assisting with the distribution system but also helping identify finished water production requirements.
  • Investigate unusual consumption patterns – since consumption patterns can be tracked, AMI can also help a utility identify unusual consumption patterns and respond accordingly.
  • Verify customer complaints – AMI can help a utility troubleshoot customer complaints with near real-time data and verify their validity. For example, if a customer complains of being overbilled, AMI can show the utility that the service has experienced low flow in the recent past and the various alerts a customer received on his account. With this information, the utility can ascertain the root cause of the bill was private side usage, and the utility can respond accordingly.
  • Set conservation targets – by monitoring water consumption, utilities can utilize a data-driven approach to implement conservation targets and identify specific ways to achieve these targets.
  • Enhanced district metering – with near real-time data on retail usage, utilities can leverage district metering to analyze water loss in a given area and proactively address issues.

District Metering Areas

A district metering area (DMA) is a group of customers that are served within a service area isolated by master water meters. DMAs are used to manage consumption and detect non-revenue water. By doing so, they can maintain efficient operations and keep costs down. This, in turn, benefits customers by ensuring they receive high-quality water at a reasonable price.

This data can be collected manually, but it is often more accurate and cost-effective to use Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). AMI can help utilities automatically collect data on electricity usage from all customers in a DMA without the need for manual meter reads. This data can then be used to generate more accurate customer bills. In addition, AMI can help to identify problems in a DMA, such as line losses or transformer overloading. As a result, AMI can play a vital role in helping utilities improve the efficiency of their distribution networks.

Implementing AMI

Procuring and implementing Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) can be complex and time-consuming. Utilities must carefully consider all of the costs and benefits associated with AMI before deciding to invest in the technology. In addition, utilities must also develop a detailed implementation plan that outlines all of the steps necessary to deploy AMI successfully. The implementation plan should include a timeline for the project, as well as a list of all of the resources that will be needed.

Once a utility has decided to invest in Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), it must begin the process of procuring the necessary equipment and services. This process can be complicated, as several different vendors offer AMI solutions. Utilities can work with a qualified consultant to help them identify and evaluate the various options available.

After a utility has selected a vendor, it must then develop a detailed project plan. The project plan should outline all of the steps necessary to successfully deploy AMI, including the timeframe for the project and the resources that will be needed. The project plan should also include detailed budgets for both capital expenses and operational expenses.

The final step in deploying Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is training end-users on how to use the new system. This can be a challenging task, as end-users may have questions about how to use the new system or how it will impact their day-to-day operations. Utilities should provide training materials and support to help end-users get up and running quickly and easily.

Are there any challenges that come with deploying an AMI system?

AMI systems are capital intensive, and their success depends on the cooperation of customers and utility staff. Advanced metering infrastructure best practices for water utilities can help ensure a successful implementation. There are numerous challenges with deploying an AMI system; here are a few of the key ones:

  1. Cost: deploying an AMI system is typically an expensive endeavor. Not only do utilities need to consider the capital cost of the network infrastructure, but they also need to take into account meter changeouts, register interoperability, meter box lid retrofits, and many other system components.
  2. Customer cooperation: AMI systems can be extraordinarily public-facing and require significant outreach efforts – remember you are working on or in front of every property in your service area. An effective public relations strategy is key to ensuring a positive perception.
  3. Change Management: AMI will overhaul many of the utility’s business processes. Managing this change is a challenging effort. The utility will need to assess how AMI will affect everything from customer service to back-office printing of utility bills. Utility staff must be trained to use the AMI system and interpret the data it generates.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure Best Practices for Water Utilities

The success of advanced metering infrastructure projects can be well within the utility’s control. By implementing a few best practices, the utility can mitigate a significant amount of risk. These include:

  1. Define the project goals: AMI systems can offer a number of benefits, but it is essential to clearly define the goals of the project before proceeding.
  2. Conduct a feasibility study: A feasibility study can help identify the costs and benefits of an AMI system, as well as any potential challenges.
  3. Engage stakeholders: Stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of an AMI project. Customers and utility staff must be involved in the planning and implementation phases.
  4. Plan for customer education: Customer education is essential to the success of an AMI project. Customers must be aware of the system’s benefits and how it will work.
  5. Manage change: AMI systems can require significant changes to utility operations and processes. It is vital to manage these changes carefully to minimize disruptions.
  6. Proof of Concept: starting the project with a proof of concept stage where a representative meter distribution is deployed across the service area will avoid learning of mistakes once the entire system is deployed. Moreover, it will ensure that the AMI system integration is successful. It is recommendable to conduct the proof of concept throughout multiple billing cycles to be certain that the AMI system is working correctly.
  7. Redundancy: One of the most critical aspects of an Advanced Metering Infrastructure is redundancy. This means having multiple data collectors communicate with each endpoint in the system. Redundancy ensures that if one data collector fails, there is another one that can take its place.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure can be a complex and expensive undertaking, but it can also be a great way to improve the efficiency of your water system. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your AMI project is successful.

Defining What Advanced Metering Infrastructure Looks Like in Your System

Perhaps the most important thing to note when taking on the implementation of AMI is defining your system. To do this, you’ll need to account for many aspects of your system; some key aspects are:

  1. What is the utility’s meter distribution?
  2. How many services are in your system?
  3. How many accounts are in your system – some accounts may have more than one service.
  4. What is the age and condition of your current meter infrastructure?
  5. What type of meter box lids do you have, and can they be retrofitted?
  6. Do you want a particular customer portal?
  7. What add-on features do you want in your system (acoustic leak detection, Auto on/off valve, etc.)?
  8. What extensibility features do you want in your system (integration with sewer assets, integration with stormwater assets, integration with street lights, etc.)?
  9. Do you want NaaS or SaaS?
  10. Will the AMI be managed in-house or by an owner’s representative?

With answers to these questions, you can start to determine what your AMI system will look like. For example, a small water system with only a few customers and services may not need anything more than basic meters and communication modules. However, a large water system with tens of thousands of customers and services will likely need a more complex AMI system that can handle the increased data volume.

What Does the Future Hold for AMI, and How Will it Continue to Benefit Both Utilities and Customers

The future of AMI looks very promising. The big data collected by utilities will continue to be used to improve water utilities’ efficiency and provide better service to customers. In addition, applying artificial intelligence and machine learning will allow for more automated operations, further improving efficiency and reducing costs. Both utilities and customers are already feeling the benefits of AMI, and this trend is expected to continue in the years to come.

As big data and artificial intelligence become more prevalent; the utility industry is experiencing a digital transformation. Automated meter reading (AMI) systems are becoming increasingly common, as they offer several advantages over traditional manual meter reading. AMI systems can provide utilities with real-time customer usage data, which can improve service delivery and manage demand. In addition, AMI systems can help to detect leaks and outages more quickly, reducing the need for field crews.

As the benefits of AMI continue to be realized, more utilities will likely adopt these systems in the future. This will give customers greater choices and flexibility in managing their water consumption. In addition, it will allow utilities to manage their resources more efficiently, leading to lower costs and improved service quality. Ultimately, the future of AMI looks very promising, and it is poised to bring significant benefits to both utilities and customers alike.